At Corios our goal is to guide clients in building better analytics for better decision making on asset protection, risk mitigation and customer relationships that enhances both data and company value.
Modernize AnalyticsMaximize Analytics
Play to your data strengths
A key change: modernize legacy SAS analytics
It’s time to replace outdated methods and practices, remove redundant process and reduce storage and compute capacity waste.
Unlock your legacy SAS workloads and modernize analytics in open source on the cloud with Corios Rosetta.
Scan to Assess
Train to Advance
Convert to Modernize
Learn More About Rossetta
We recommend Corios to anyone looking to build a business optimizing analytics and big data
We brought in Robin Way of Corios to help us identify our business and technical requirements, develop a business strategy where we could optimize our clients’ business performance using forward-looking data-driven strategies, design an implementation approach that we could phase in over time, and give us the confidence to proceed with these cloud-based analytics.
We’d recommend Corios to anyone looking to have an implementable strategy on AWS that relies on having actionable, business optimizing analytics and big data.
Build on foundational SAS skills with Rosetta Academy
Corios training curriculum includes
- Analytics Design Patterns
- SQL and SAS
- Python and Spark
- Tools for the Cloud
- Advanced Analytics: ML/AI
- Data lake integrations
- ...And more to come
Turn your data into profits
Read SKATE Where the Puck’s Headed By Corios CEO Robin Way
Read More About SKATE