How to optimize bank portfolio pricing and risk using Corios’ Forte Solution

Analyze and optimize portfolio pricing, cash flow, risk exposure and stress

Our clients often ask us, “how do you recommend we should apply stress testing to our lending portfolio, so that we can determine the sensitivity of risk exposure to various macroeconomic conditions and lending strategies?” Sometimes they are responding to CCAR analyses. Other clients are focused on product innovation and profitability. Yet others want to optimize the prices they set on to-be-acquired customers.

No matter which objective motivates them, we’re convinced that the traditional means of analyzing portfolio risk, economic stress, pricing and product design should be overhauled. That’s why we built the Corios Forte solution. After watching this 12-minute video, we think you’ll agree that our approach brings consistency, control and transparency to the process of portfolio risk analytics.

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What’s in a name?

Four reasons we chose the name 'Corios'

NameBlog-exampleGraphic-croppedA lot of folks ask me, what does Corios mean, and why did you choose that name for your firm’s brand?

As this blog marks the start of a new chapter for the Corios brand, I feel that this initial post is the perfect opportunity share my thoughts on the topic, and to answer the burning question that sits at the top of your mind.

Why ‘Corios’?

In this post, I’ve outlined four goals I had in mind when selecting a name for my business, and some context for why (and how) the name ‘Corios’ meets each of them.

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