Event transaction analytics: IIA and Corios webinar

International Institute of Analytics and Corios hosting webinar on 25 February 2015

The emergence of high-velocity, high-density business transaction data represents a tremendous opportunity to profile the behavior of customers, understand their unmet needs, and predict their likely next actions.

On Wednesday, February 25th at 11am eastern / 8am pacific, the International Institute of Analytics invites you to a web briefing with its Lead Faculty member, Robin Way, the President of Corios, on this exciting topic of customer transaction analytics. Register here to join the webinar.

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Real-time analytic scoring

Using Corios decision master services to enable real-time analytics and customer recommendations

Corios clients have implemented real-time analytic scoring and customer recommendations in their operational applications, such as loan underwriting and claims fraud platforms. The same capabilities can be applied for pricing, cross-sell recommendations and lead management.

Most of our clients want to be able to move their traditional analytics models into real-time, single-customer mode, but don’t quite know how. This video is a technical walk-through of these capabilities, providing clear evidence that it’s straight-forward and production-capable.

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Model risk inventory via Corios Metronome

Re-invest time and effort from compliance documentation back into risk model development and deployment

If you’re like our banking clients, chances are excellent you’ve spent the last 2-3 years up to your neck in risk model governance reporting and documentation. Your team of model developers, validators, internal auditors and senior leadership is exhausted from long nights and weekends of collecting model details, and chasing the people who possess those details, and you haven’t built a new risk model in months.

How would you like to re-invest that time back into actively predicting and mitigating the business risk for your organization? You can do this through the Corios Metronome solution, which provides you with a central model inventory, workflow and model performance monitoring mechanism.

Watch this 10-minute video which shows you how Corios Metronome aligns with your business process, the assets we implement as part of the model inventory, and the problems we’ll help you solve.

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Real time offer optimization

Closed loop campaign offer optimization powered by SAS analytics

I’ve had the opportunity to deliver the incredible value of campaign offer optimization to more than 40 clients over the last 10 years. I’ve always been impressed with the robustness of the SAS Marketing Optimization solution, and how our clients have been able to adapt this approach into their marketing, risk management and pricing processes.

The one chasm we’ve been waiting to leap in the discipline of mathematical optimization-enabled campaign strategy assignment has been real-time delivery: until now.

Corios has developed and implemented an approach for real-time implementation of offer optimization that leverages the SAS platform’s predictive scoring and offer optimization that works with interactive channels such as CRM systems and web content delivery.

The 15-minute video below shares our approach, and I invite you to watch.

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Next best offer featuring the Corios Harmony strategy

Adding value through the customer lead cycle via predictive analytics and real-time scoring

When I speak with our clients’ Chief Marketing Officers and other leaders of customer relationship strategy, the topic of more effective on-boarding and lead nurturing arises frequently. Specifically, how can they deploy the data-driven approaches they’ve developed for direct marketing in the lead cycle?

The challenge with which they’re grappling represents two key transitions from business as usual:

  • the transition from relating with pools of customers to individual customers
  • the transition from batch, offline outreach, to real-time interaction with those customers.

These leaders need to provide their front-line relationship managers with tailored, responsive and relevant customer treatments, through whichever channel the customer wants to engage.

The following video tells the story of the day in the life of Brian Gates, a business banking customer of Great California Bank. Brian is a business owner who wants to address unmet financial needs to help his business grow and thrive. Watch this 18-minute story to learn how the Corios Harmony strategy will help Brian’s relationship managers add value through the lead cycle and produce a win-win for Brian and the bank in making a relevant and profit-generating offer.

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